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Gold Mine Run! released

Last night I released my first game ever for MS/DOS: Gold Mine Run!

An in game screenshot

The final product

I mentioned here when I started that I had used some of the tools back in the 90s, and that I had the crazy idea to stream the process of making the game (the videos are in this playlist).

Although the engine and the stream were completed about two weeks ago, that wasn’t really a game: it needed level design and music, both things that I didn’t want to do on the stream.

At the end, I decided to add 30 stages, which is about right considering the amount of content –there are limited enemy types–. I didn’t feel like I was repeating myself too much when designing the stages, because there were enough components to keep it somewhat fresh. Yet, it is a small jam game anyway.

I did some gamedev in DOS back in the day, and I feel a bit like I am 25 years late to this, but still had a lot of fun making this game. Without my experience in the last 10 years I wouldn’t have been able to produce Gold Mine Run!, that’s sure. But then I have the feeling I could have made the same game using C and SDL2 –or even Haskell!–, and target current platforms (Linux, Windows and Mac at least). Would it have been the same game? Probably!

Now that this project is out of the way, I can pay more attention to my TODO list. Exciting!

Would you like to discuss the post? You can send me an email!