Open Source

SpaceBeans Gemini Server

An rock-solid server for the Gemini protocol.


DAN64, an AVR based 8-bit microcomputer

DAN64 is a open software and open hardware project to build an 8-bit microcomputer using an AVR microcontroller.


ubox MSX lib

A set of libraries and tools to make MSX games using the C programming language.


TR-8 Fantasy Console

TR8 is an 8-bit fantasy console inspired by MIPS, Z80 and 6502 real world CPUs.


Public repos

I host some of my git repositories, and you can browse them via web.

Some interesting projects:

  • ubox lib for DOS: a simple library to make DOS games with DJGPP.
  • Gold Mine Run!: an arcade platformer for DOS in protected mode (386 or later), VGA and Sound Blaster.
  • Tomato: a simple CLI pomodoro tool written in Haskell.
  • ZX Spectrum 48k beeper engine: beeper engine for the ZX Spectrum 48K to run from an interrupt handler.
  • z80count: a tool to parse Z80 assembler and count the amount of cycles used by the instructions.

Hosted Somewhere Else

You can always check my repos on GitHub, but there are some interesting ones: